Friday, November 15, 2019
Professionalism in the Construction Industry
Professionalism in the Construction Industry Construction management is a challenging and demanding profession. In order to successfully complete a project, from the perspective of a Client, they will need the assistance of many construction professionals to help them realise their objective particularly from the feasibility to completion of a project. These construction professionals generally include architects, interior designers, surveyors, civil engineers, quantity surveyors, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and structural engineers. These construction professionals have different specialities for example an architect will generally manage the design and construction of the project, whereas the structural engineer will ensure that the project is structurally stable, and the quantity surveyor will generally look after the financial aspects of a project. 2.0 The concept of Professionalism in the Construction Industry In order to understand the concept of Professionalism in Construction we first must examine the terms profession and professional. Carr (2000) suggests that wealth, prestige and self-regulation are characteristics of how you determine whether an occupation can be construed to be a Profession. In addition to this, Carr (2000) states that there are five further characteristic that allow you to determine whether an occupation can be said to be a profession and these include:- professions provide an important public service; they involve a theoretically as well a practically grounded expertise; that have a distinct ethical dimension which calls for expression in a code of practice; they require organisation and regulation for purposes of recruitment and discipline; and professional practitioners require a high degree of individual autonomy independence of judgement for effective practice A Professional is said to be a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. Most professionals are governed by Professional Institutes who set the strict rules regulating their conduct and ethical behaviour. Professionals are said to be experts and/or specialists in the field that they participate. Professionals are said to have specialist knowledge in their particular field of work. The qualities and/or traits and/or attributes of a professional have been stated to be; trustworthiness, competent, respectful, displays integrity, considerate, courteous, dependable, cooperative, committed. Sockett (1993) believes that professional needs to be self-governed and their actions should be based on sound professional practices in their particular field. Sockett (1993) confirms that being a professional means having moral vision, sense, and purpose. In addition Sockett (1993) states that the essence of understanding the term professional is that it describes the persons behaviour and performance, but does not describe the person and their status. Maister (1997) argues that Professional is not a label you give yourself, its a description you hope others will apply to you A professional will exhibited a high standard of professional ethics, while carrying out ones profession Professionalism is said to be the demonstration of all the traits and/or attributes of being a professional and will decide how successful you are in your job. These traits include positive attitudes, courteous behaviour, good vocabulary, smart appearance, self-belief. The judgement of whether a person has Professionalism is subjective, and it is not solely because they wear a nice suit, but its a combination of these traits that give people the image of a professional. These traits and/or attributes are briefly discussed below:- Attitude No just whether a person is upbeat, a professional will find ways to overcome obstacles and find solutions to the problem. Competence You need to know what youre talking about in your field of work and be able to recommend solutions. Communication Skills Be able to effectively communicate ideas, speak in clear terms and make complex subjects understandable to all concerned. Appearance Clean and appropriate clothing that fit properly will help portray the image of a professional (you dont necessarily need an expensive suite) Appropriateness Keep thing appropriate and avoid going off on unrelated tangents. Furthermore, professionals are expected to establish and maintain professional boundaries to enhance their professionalism within the construction industry. The need for Professional Boundaries are generally required to ensure that the Construction Professionals effectively communicate using appropriate language, keep information private and confidential, not to take advantages and exploit clients whilst engaged in their services, and not to fuel gossip in the office. 3.0 Who are the professional roles within the Construction Industry? In the modern day construction industry, many managers, technical people, skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled people are needed in order to successfully complete the project on time and within budget. In order to effectively manage the many work items and/or construction related activities a professional project team is needed to make sure the project is constructed using the required technology, to the required standards and using the most cost effective methods. Each construction project will need a team to translate the design into reality. The team for a building project will generally consist of architects, interior designers, surveyors, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, quantity surveyors, building engineers, civil engineer. These construction professionals deal with a variety of the key activities that are required to manage the project i.e. time, money, equipment, technology, people management. These professional will look at a project from incept ion to completion. They will be challenged throughout the process to come up with innovated ideas, solutions to overcome the many obstacles that they will be confronted during the course of the project and these may include:- Organisation of resources Sequencing of the various work items for the project Achieving budgets Completion of the various work items within the stipulated time Integrating organisations Balancing the conflict interest of the stakeholders and end users Appreciation of the various technology and methods available to undertake the project. It is the duty and obligation of each of the Construction professionals to exercise all reasonable skills, care and diligence and display their skills according to the Professional Standards that generally govern the disciple that they practice. By looking at the four main professional roles in the construction industry and these include the Architect, Civil Engineer, Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor and their respective roles and responsibilities, this will give an insight into how these professionals succeed in the construction industry. 3.1 Architect Roles An architect is a person that must be registered with a recognised Architect Registration Board in order to practice their profession. To practice architecture general means that a service in connection with the design and construction of a building has been offered. According to Bredemeyer Consulting (2006), a simplistic way of looking at the role of an Architect is that they create architectures, and their responsibilities included everything necessary to accomplish this. This includes creating the vision and the concept, then experimenting with the alternatives to make the vision and concept reality. In addition to this, the Architect in conjunction with a team of construction professionals need to prepare the technical drawings and specification in order to make the vision a reality. Similarly Architects during their construction role, advises the Client on awards of contract, monitors progress, responds to technical queries issued by the Contractor, issues supplementary drawing and specifications, reviews all technical and document transmittals issued by the Contractor, issues site instructions, provide contract administration, and certify the Contractors interim payment certificates. The role of the Architect will generally dependent on the nature of the appointment and the scope of their service agreement. However, the role of the Architect is not just limited to these technical activities, particularly when you become more senior within an organisation, other challenging aspects of the role of an Architect will then come into play for example business strategy, organisational politics, consulting and leadership. 3.2 Civil Engineer Role A Civil Engineer (in the context of this report the equivalent of an Architect albeit in the Civil Engineering industry) like an Architect, plans things, designs things, constructs things, improves things albeit in the field of infrastructure, bridges roads etc. There are a number of specialities that a Civil Engineer may specialise in, and these include geotechnical, structural, transportation, hydraulic and environmental, costal, material engineering. It is normal for a Civil Engineer to have graduated from a university with a degree, but it is not mandatory that a Civil Engineer needs to be licensed; this will depend entirely on where you live in the world. In the UK, a professional engineer may decide to join the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers which is the equivalent of a licensed engineer in many other areas of the world. Again like the Architect, the Civil Engineer (also known as a Resident Engineer) in the construction phase of a project will monitor the works to ensure that the required workmen and quality standards are being achieved and monitor the progress of the works. The Civil Engineer also advises the Client on awards of contract, responds to technical queries issued by the Contractor, issues supplementary drawing and specifications, reviews all technical and document transmittals issued by the Contractor, issues site instructions, provide contract administration, and certifies the Contractors interim payment certificates The role of the Civil Engineer will generally dependent on the nature of the appointment and the scope of their service agreement. 3.3 Construction Project Manager Role A Construction Project Manager (CPM) whilst being in charge of the project as a whole has four key areas to manage and these include; Time, Cost, Quality and Scope. The CPM must possess a number of general management skills in order to achieve the projects objects as well as Interpersonal skills and these are briefly discussed below:- Time Management Prepares the time schedule and monitors progress against the baseline programme Quality Management Ensure that the requirements of the specifications are adhered too Cost Management prepares the cost budgets and implements cost control measures Resource Management Identifies and manages the resources required to undertake the project labour, plant, equipment, materials, subcontractors and specialised services. Procurement Purchasing / Hiring of all the required resources Risk Management Identification, classification, analysis and then formulating the appropriate risk response. Integration Management How to get all the various work items and stakeholders to work together in a systematic way to achieve the projects objectives Project Scope Management Identification and fulfilment of the project scope of works Leadership skills, Influential Skills, Negotiation Skills, Persuasive, Conflict Management, Project Managers wishing to obtain professional certification in Construction Project Management, may obtain them from the Project Management Institute. 3.4 Quantity Surveyors Role A Quantity Surveyor (QS) is a professional working within the Construction Industry and is generally involved in the financial aspects of a project The RICS (2003) identified that a QS should provide a number of services during the course of a project. In the pre-contract stage, the QS should help and prepare the preliminary cost plan, evaluate the various design proposals in terms of cost, implement cost control measures in the detailed design stage to ensure that the budget is not exceeded, maintain and develop the cost plan. During the tender stage, the QS should advise on the tender documentation and assist with the Architect / Civil Engineer on awards of Projects. The QS during the construction phase also needs to prepare recommendations for interim payments, post-contract cost control and final account. In addition to this, the QS should provide and price bills of quantities, prepare cost analysis, advise on financial implications, provide measurement of areas, provide advice on contractual matters. There are many areas where a QS could specialise and these include construction, oil gas, power industry, building, civil engineering. The Main distinction will be whether the QS is from a Professional Practice (often called a PQS) or those that work for the various construction organisations (often called Main Contractors QS). To help maintain the standards of the professions, one of the many professional bodies such as the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors provides education, defines the standards, and sets strict codes of practice and ethics for all its members to follow 4.0 The concept and Practise of Professional Liability At some stage in the career of a Professional, things will go wrong and will result in some else unfairly being subjected to harm and/or additional cost (in the context of a construction project, the Employer). This could be caused by an error, an act of negligence, or an omission during the course of a professionals work. The result of which will be a breach of a legal obligation and this is commonly known as Professional Liability. In order to protect themselves from such a liability, professionals can obtain professional liability insurance. However in recent times, it has proved difficult to obtain this insurance which has led professional to look at the various other alternatives in the market that will help to protect them from Professional Liability. Indemnity Agreements By simply transferring the risk via indemnity agreements. Evidence of Professional Liability from Design Professionals A simple certificate of insurance that only gives the basic information i.e. the insured party, the insurer, policy number, policy term and limits. The full extent of the insurance coverage and/or limitation is not readily available. Professional Protective Insurance Provides first party indemnity for damages which are in excess of the professional liability insurance. This type of policy supplements the existing Professional Indemnity insurance where the Client desires further protection on a particular project. Project Professional Liability Insurance (P.L.I) Allows the Client to have the benefit of one project specific P.L.I policy where all the professional participating in a project are named on the one single site specific policy. The role of Professional Organisation in the Construction Industry Due to the ever changing world and construction industry, Professional Institutions are tasked with the role of raising professional standards, knowledge and training within the industry. To help achieve these goals, the institutions develop educational programmes to ensure that their members respond to the changing work environment and are equipped with all the knowledge and skills required to practice in their profession. In addition to this, Institutions strive to improve their service to both members and industry, encourage sustainable construction practices, publish both magazines and journals to help improve the knowledge of their members. There are numerous Institutions that target specific disciplines for example; and to name but a few:- the Institute of Civil Engineer target Civil Engineers, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyor target Surveyors, the Chartered Institute of Builders target builders. To become a member of an Institution, you must generally satisfy their academic requirements before undertaking their Professional Development Plan which aims to ascertain over a period of time whether you have the required skills and competences to qualify as a full member. Once qualified as a full member, the Institutions believe that Continual Professional Development (CPD) is an essential part of being a member. According to Construction Industry Council (UK), CPD is the Systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties throughout the working like. In addition to the above, the Institution sets the ethical codes that govern how the Professional should conduct themselves whilst practicing their discipline. The role of Construction related business organisations One of the fundamental roles of the construction related business organisations is to provide its members with access to educational tools inclusive of industry news that they may not ordinarily be available in their profession. These organisations help construction business, professionals, students and others to:- maintain standards, guide them, strengthen economic performance, raise levels of knowledge and performance. These organisations can be government departments, societies, and regulatory authorities and they include some of the following organisations:- C.I.T.B Construction Skills Energy Saving Trusts English Heritage Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reforms (BERR) 7.0 Conclusion Due to the rapidly changing and evolving construction industry, professionals are needed to maintain high standards and produce quality work. Therefore to standardise, regulate, maintain the knowledge needed by professionals in industry, the role of Institutions and the construction related businesses will continue to be needed by their members for many years to come. Professionalism in the Construction Industry Professionalism in the Construction Industry Who are the professionals in construction industry? The Professionalism in Constructions is a combination of derived significant activities of professionals. This is mainly related with their job tasks, such as; an active demonstration of the traits of professionals, also the level of professionalism can be evaluated how successful you are in your job and also it can be decided how others view on you and how far you have developed in your career level as well. Some specific professionals in construction industry, for example; Architects, Civil Structural Engineers, Mechanical Electrical Engineers, Project Managers and Quantity Surveyors whom are well-trained and highly educated and experienced experts. They are contributing with their specific knowledge and experience for the successful completion of projects. And also they have vital responsibilities and duties within their entire roles; for instance, Preparation of drawings, Specifications, BOQ, Contract Conditions and Agreements. Furthermore deal with the Time, Money, Technology, Equipments, operatives and materials for managing of construction projects and organize the project resources. The professional organizations usually provide comprehensive betterment to the professionals, such as; initial professional development and being a member in an institution. It furnishes free education and training, participation in conference and seminars, network opportunities and get privilege to use on line recourses. Hence some professional organizations are especially vital to the construction industry, for example; Professionals are licentiated as RICS, CIOB, RIBA, AIQS, SLIQS, and IESL etc. as a result of this, professionals can develop their knowledge and make improvement the level of professionalism appropriately. Further, certain business related organizations provide collaboration of professionals to share with their knowledge and experience. Hence, Professionals are able to use organization resources to success of their projects, some of them are significantly important to constructions industry, such as; reference of FIDIC in international, reference of ICTAD in Sri Lanka and also reference of Business Enterprise Regulatory Reform (BERR) in the United Kingdom. INTRODUCTION This report comprehensively discuss about the study of Professionalism in Constructions industry. The Aim is getting of knowledge and awareness of Professionalism, about various construction related Professional Organizations and their role in the Construction Industry. Particularly discuss through the following major key points by investigating briefly: The concept of Professionalism Professionals roles within the Construction Industry. The concept and practice of Professional Liability The role of Professional Organizations in the Construction Industry. The role of Construction related business organizations. MAIN BODY DISCUSSIONS The Professionalism Define Concept of Professionalism Concept of the Professionalism basically explained herewith, on specialists point of view, most of authors have defined the concept of professionalism in considerable volume. According to the article of Journal of Chiropractic Humanities 2005  © NUHS (Stuart Kinsinger) Professionalism is defined as Professionalism is service through the use of specialized knowledge, skills, and experience; holding oneself to the highest standards of thought, word, and deed. Concerning to the above explained comment, it can be identified clearly what the concept of professionalism is, Further professionalism can be described as; It is an active demonstration of the traits of professionals, The level of professionalism can be evaluated how successful you are in your job. It can also be decided how others view on you and how far you develop your career level. Whatsoever, professionalism cannot be evaluated just in appearance; like neatness, good grooming, and shop-talk as well. It should be really evaluated through the technical skilled, inner strengths, attitudes and honest work done. Besides, concerning of the professionals in construction industry; will be deeply discussed in next steps, therefore it is further required to study the history of professionalism in constructions to get a proper knowledge about constructions professionals professionalism. History of Professionalism in Construction industry History of professionalism has been shown since in the beginning of civilization in this world, nevertheless refer to the construction industry, professionalism shows at the early stage of Second World War in 1942, when considering to issued records by US Naval Mobile Construction Battalion five, Command History, that battalion has earned a reputation for excellence and professionalism during the 54 years of its existence. Also they have built airstrips, hospitals, bridges, roads, and have provided humanitarian and disaster recovery assistance in almost every part of the world. Hence it appears clearly, there should be a particular characteristics and attributes in professionalism. Characteristics and Attributes of Professionalism There are number of special characteristics and attributes in professionalism to implement within the professional bodies. This characterizes give much influence to success of professionalism in their trades. It is as follows; Attitude this is very important characteristic of professionalism, there should be positive attitude, and hence it will help to increase business success, Appearance -Wearers clean cloth is very important for make the business in positive way continuously, hence this positive appearance will significantly help to the business success., Behavior to be expressed well-mannered, calm matters, should not be spite, Vocabulary- Should be use always right words, not suitable to use big words because level of professionalism is often judged by vocabulary, Mindset- Pattern of the way of thinking of professionals Also above specialized characterizes can be judged by particular facts identified to obtain real professionalism in constructions. How is Professionalism Judged? According to the book Up The Corporate Ladder Professionalism in The Workplace written by Elsabà © Manning (owner of the Success Factory), Professionalism is judged by the following facts: such as, Responsibility and accountability, business etiquette, Telephone and e-etiquette, Manners, Communication, Relationships, Competence, Respectfulness, Trustworthiness, Empathy and compassion, Emotional maturity, Image, etc; So then, above mentioned facts are used to judge the level of professionalism, hence further needs to understand exactly about professionals and their roles relevant to the construction industry. The professionals of Construction Industry Definition Mostly education, work culture, morals, work ethics, positive thinking, open mind make anybody into a professional, out of these six points, at least four should be present to become a good, valuable professional. Further explanations; a professional is a person who is paid to take over a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. The key measures for professionals as follows: They should have expert and specialized knowledge in their carrier, Excellent practical and literary skills, Basically high quality work to be exhibited, A high standard of professional ethics, behaviors and work activities, Work morale and motivation in reasonable level. Suitable treatment of relationships with social group. Who are the professionals in Construction Industry? In general, there are highly qualified and well trained professionals are contributing within their specific knowledge and experience to deliver the projects in construction industry in successful. There are few key professionals in the construction industry, identified as, Architects, Project Managers, Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineer and Quantity Surveyors. Basically, they categorized within their involvement with job environment, some of them are working as client representatives, and some are assigned to design teams, also assigned to builders and maintenance firms. Roles of professionals in Construction industry Most of construction projects or firms employ reputed professionals to get proper management process in order to archive projects goals, contribution with the professionals specialized roles. Architects, Engineer Consultants, Builders and Quantity Surveyors, whom are the professionals in construction industry, hence further will discuss concerning the significant roles of them relevant to the construction projects as a professional teams, Particular points of key roles of them are given below; Usually they prepare designs including drawings, specifications, BOQ, Contact Agreements and Conditions of Contracts, As well as they are dealing with Time, Money, Technology, Equipments,, Operatives and Materials to manage the construction projects, They are employed directly by clients, They shall organize the project resources to execute project activities to manage them properly and complete the project on time, maintain the Quality, Cost Control, maintain of Environment and Safety measures. Further their roles are briefly described as follows; The Architect According to the Wikipedia, an architect is a person trained in the planning, design and oversight/supervision of the construction of buildings and further architect should be visiting site periodically for inspections to ensure that in general, the work being carried out on site is in compliance with architectural designs and specifications. Generally, Architect should have proper education qualifications and also should have good training back ground to deliver their knowledge for the project success in terms of sustainability and safety of end users. Also there are Landscapes Architects, Town Planners, Infrastructures and building Architects whom are categorized on discipline on service and they involve as a team or one person. Engineer Consultant According to the Bamisile (2004), during the construction phase Engineers (Civil, electrical, mechanical, geotechnical and structural) should visit the site often for inspections, and to be ensured that all activities going on compliance with their engineering drawings, specifications and schedules. Also they should be concerned with monitoring and ensuring methods and materials. Normally engineer consultants joint as a reputed individual firm with development projects. Also involve for selecting the project by way of tender or by nomination. A Fee also will be charged by Engineers as a parentage basis. The Builder The Builder is employed by the client, on the advice of the Architect or the Architectural technologist. A builder must first assess the project-specific documents (referred to as tender documents). In the case of renovations, a site visit is required to get a better understanding of the project. The builder will then calculate a price, also called an estimate. The builder considers the cost of materials and equipment as well as the cost of labor to provide the owner with an approximate price for the project. The Quantity Surveyor (Cost Consultant) Quantity surveyor is the person/ firm who manage the cost relating to the construction projects, such as new constructions, maintenance work and renovations. Quantity surveyor monitors the cost of every aspects of a construction project as a cost expert, as well as seeks to minimize the costs of the project and to make more cost savings while ensuring the total cost of project does not exceed the estimated cost. Furthermore when study about Architects, Engineers Quantity Surveyors as Construction Professionals, also have to be identified their duties and Responsibilities properly. Duties and responsibilities of professionals in Construction industry In general Architects, Project managers, engineers and quantity surveyors are the most important persons whom are involved as professionals in construction industry. Therefore, they have to be very respectable and well care of their duties and responsibilities according to their work sectors. Their duties and responsibilities could be described in brief as mentioned below; Architect Contribution for initial discussions and consultations which relevant to design and plans with a person or a business organization in satisfactory level. Should be understood clearly about clients intended objectives and explaining them. Getting clear idea of Clients budget which is expected to invest for projects and consulting with suggestions for any alternatives may be required. Preparing initial proposals subsequent to discussions with client. Studying environmental impact and the effect having with proposed structure. Follow-up feasibility studies and how it affected for constructions in specific locations. Attending site selections and produce a cost analysis as a part of the initial proposals. Explain all aspects of initial proposals to client very briefly. To be worked altogether with client to get a final product as plans and important designs. All design and plans with respect to the rule and regulation of government and relevant organizations and institutions respectively. Civil Engineers The civil engineers are engaging with many activities at the beginning of the project and up to the end of the project. Hence, some of their key roles are as follows; Analyzing various factors and areas concerning construction. Analyzing, searching and investigate the site location and ensure its feasibility for construction purpose. Preparing key essential plans to determine what need to be changed prior to implement tasks. Develop detailed design drawings according to the clients requirements. Review and issuing approval for project designs and reports. Identifying potential risks and disputes of the project. Taking necessary actions for risk management. Follow up rules, regulations and guidelines in relevant to the project. Verify the safety activities during the project implementation. Study different equations, strategies, and applications to make certain appropriate procedures and applications. Supervision of all works and monitors staff duties and operations at site. Keeping well communication with stakeholders of project; Project Architects, consultant, sub contractors and client. Preparing schedule for purchase of materials and equipments. Ensure that the project is completed by the committed time within the planned budget. Preparation of defect list or snags list and involve with handing over process. The Quantity Surveyor Pre Contract stage Elemental Cost Estimate Measurements Bill Of Quantity Preparation Tender Document Preparation Analyzing Estimating and Tendering Tender Evaluation Tender Clarification Meetings Negotiation Meetings Post Contract stage Kick of Meeting Progress on Site Variation Order Calculations Variation Order negotiation Payment Certifications Financial Statements Final Accounts The Construction Project Manager Prepare master program to the overall project and agree with the employer. Appointing consultants and contractors by tendering. Financial advice to the employer and cost control. Coordinating all parties and gets the work done. Risk, quality, time, scope cost management. Communication negotiations. Complete and handover the project to the agreed master program. In this report discussed about few professionals, moreover there are other professionals are involved with construction industry, some of them are very important and their activities are required to complete the project satisfactorily. They are Land surveyors, geological surveyors, Draftsmen, Human Resources managers, Clerk of works, Business and legal advisors. Furthermore, need to be discussed in brief about Professional Organizations having relationship with the Professionals. The Constructions professionals organizations What is Professional organization? Professional organizations usually give comprehensive betterment to the professionals such as, initial professional development and also being a member in an institution as free education and training, attending to conference and seminars, network opportunities and get privilege to use on line recourses, Hence some professional organizations are especially vital to the construction industry, for example; Professionals are licentiated as RICS, CIOB, RIBA, AIQS, SLIQS, and IESL etc. as a result of this, professionals can develop their knowledge and make improvement the level of professionalism appropriately. The role of professional organizations in the construction industry In general, here with discussed about common roles briefly, Maintain the standards of the professions in the construction industry Maintain superlative knowledge (Training, Seminars, CPD, PDP) Develop professional education to respond to changing environment to meet current and future operation needs. Improve services to members and up-grading services in industry. Encouraging of sustainable constructions Publishing books, magazines and other publications to develop the knowledge of members. Maintain and improve the quality of the built environment. The Benefits of Joining with Professional institutions The Construction professional institutions provide most important benefits for the professionals body to improve their professionalism actively. The few benefits of professional institutes are given below; Possible to expand the professional network Consistent updates on current industry trends and developments. A chance to increase awareness of work place. Can be discovered other companies activities. A chance to use monthly, quarterly, and annual newsletters. magazines Have particular strategies for attending the meeting An opportunity to joint with CPD, professional development plan Volunteer to join a committee within the association. Follow up with your new contacts. Annual membership fee of most reputed professional institutes are very high, however some companies provide institutes membership fee and training expenditures according to the requirement of the employers at that time. Further studying the benefits and specific roles of professional institutes, conclusively following table will shows function different of few institutes. (Refer to Table 01) Organizations Roles, Functions Professionals liability in Constructions Generally professionals liabilities are the legal obligation with professionals errors, negligence or omissions during the course of practice of work. Hence there are few identified key professionals liabilities in construction industry, those are as follows; Design errors, for instance; methods, means of construction drawings Construction inspection, Quality control and quality assurance Contractual liability from a sub contract design entity Health and safety of site Coordination and scheduling Normally at the design and management phases of project, effect of professionals liabilities are high than other phases, Above identified liabilities in construction professionals, further required to protect them using Construction insurance and policies. Those are as follows; Workmans Compensation policy (will cover liability of an employer for employment, injured, payment of Compensation etc.)) Contractors risk insurance (cover damage of property, liability of third party claims for injure or death, material and machinery damage) Professional liability insurance (All design firms, professional services, contractor and constructions manger) The role of Constructions related business organizations The business related organizations provide collaboration of professionals to share with their knowledge and experience. Hence, Professionals are able to use organization resources to success of their projects, some of them are significantly important to constructions industry, such as; reference of FIDIC in international, reference of ICTAD in Sri Lanka and also reference of Business Enterprise Regulatory Reform (BERR) in the United Kingdom Following are the key roles of business related organizations; Maintain standards in the industry Provide recourse as and when needed Strengthen the economic performance Increase peoples understanding Create conditions for business success Raise levels of productivity Help produce professionals in the industry and maintain standards Help with research work/ training and CPD Helps maintain connection with world wide By these major key roles can identify which contain their relationship with construction industry clearly. Therefore those functions significantly influence the success of projects in construction industry actively. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONS This study make following conclusion finally, certainly, particular employers aptitudes can be performed within special characteristics and attributes accompanied with professionalism such as, Ethics Qualification, Skill, Experience, Communication Skills, Initiative. These are vital facts for improve of the professionalism in construction industry.
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